Press Release

Police pensions : the Chamber of Deputies passes Minister Daniel Bacquelaine’s bill

2,500 police men and women are concerned

Police pensions: the Chamber of Deputies passes  Minister Daniel Bacquelaine’s bill


Today, the Chamber of Deputies has passed the bill implementing the transitional measures for police officers. On 29th April last the Social Affairs Committee had already given its consent to the bill. The text of the law will soon be published in the Belgian law gazette.

Reminder: by virtue of its judgement of 10th July 2014 the Constitutional Court annulled the legal provision maintaining the preferential treatment in terms of the age of retirement applicable to the integrated police’s operational staff. On the basis of this preferential treatment police men and women were able to take up retirement at the age of 54, 56 or 58 – depending on  rank.

The coalition agreement stipulates that the government will implement the judgement passed by the Constitutional Court. However, the coalition agreement also contains a transitional measure for which the Minister for Pensions will bear responsibility and end-of-career measures to be elaborated by the Minister of the Interior.

The transitional measure stipulates that the preferential treatment will be maintained for every staff member of the integrated police who had the right to apply for retirement prior to the judgement, being prior to 10th July 2014. Since the persons concerned can apply one year prior to one’s actual retirement, the preferential treatment will be maintained for the staff members of the integrated police who meet the age and career conditions no later than on 10th July 2015.



Koen Peumans, spokesperson of Daniel Bacquelaine, Minister for Pensions
+32(0)473/81.11.06 -