Press Release

Teachers‘ pensions: Daniel BACQUELAINE vehemently denies the statements made by Hilde CREVITS which appeared in the press



To his astonishment Daniel BACQUELAINE read the statements by Hilde CREVITS, the Flemish education minister, concerning teachers‘ pensions. The following statement from Mrs CREVITS appeared in this year’s October 4 edition of the newspaper  « De Zondag »: « This summer the Minister for Pensions suddenly announced that the diploma benefit would also be abolished for the calculation of the pension amount. This would imply that teachers would receive lower pensions. This claim is utterly false.

On numerous occasions, Minister Daniel BACQUELAINE emphasized that it was wrong to claim that the diploma benefit would be abolished. By contrast, according to the coalition agreement it is planned that the National Pension Committee will focus on methods to harmonize our pension systems in this regard. In fact, civil servants can benefit – without any additional costs -  from taking into account the years of study in light of the calculation of the pension amount, whereas employees and self-employed persons must pay a fee to regularize these years, enabling them to make use of said benefit.


Daniel BACQUELAINE : « The pension reforms concern the measures stipulated in the coalition agreement and the modalities described therein. These measures will only come into effect following consultation with all the parties involved ».



Koen Peumans, Sprecher des Daniel Bacquelaine, Pensionsminister
+32(0)473/81.11.06 -